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Auditions News

  No auditions to advise of just now. If you are interested in joining the theatre or would like to discuss future productions please contact Pauline @

2021-22 Season’s Plays

Every year we put on a mixture of plays including comedies and dramas as well as our famous pantomime.  Auditions will be announced on the website, directly to members and on our social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter.   If you are interested in auditioning...

Past Productions

Scroll through the years…… 2022/23: We’re Strangers Here Hounds of the Baskervilles (spoof) Hansel and Gretel Living with Lois ‘allo ‘allo Sherlock & Cinders 2021/22: Junior Show – Matilda JR The Musical by Tim Minchin GMDF...
Marple Health