During the summer of 1997, the theatre underwent one of its largest transformations for many years. The changes are not immediately apparent, but, nevertheless, they were extensive and essential for the continuation of the theatre.

The foundations of the stage were suffering from wet and dry rot infestation and it was realised that the stage, whilst not directly affected, would have to be completely removed in order to treat the damp below. Putting the existing stage back would not be possible, so the opportunity was taken to install a new modular stage constructed with 1 metre panels, which can be removed for the installation of trap doors and other special effects. The new stage also has a revolve for scene changes and special effects. The under-stage design includes a ‘walk-in’ passageway exiting into the Green room, which was also reconstructed with stage-level access area for storing props and staging.

The renovations included changes to the toilet facilities, with the situation of the Ladies and Gents toilets being changed around and completely refurbished. Facilities for the disabled were also added with the installation of a new specially designed toilet cubical – which also doubles as an additional ladies toilet.

The stage and theatre refurbishment has resulted in greatly improved facilities and enables the Carver Theatre to continue its tradition of providing live entertainment for the people of Marple and the surrounding area for many years to come.

If you would like to know more about the changes at the Carver, or would like to see the backstage area and find out ‘how it all works’, Please feel free to ask our front of house staff, who would be very happy to show you around.

The Carver Theatre would like to express its gratitude to the Art’s Council of England for awarding a National Lottery grant of £49,000.